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How Races and Runners Can Make everyone feel welcome Podcast 102

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This episode is part 2 of my interview with the 300 pounds and Running Podcast host on his viral post – An open Letter to Race Directors from the back of the pack. read the letter and see pictures at RunEatRepeat.com.  Last episode we talked about his weight loss and running journey going from unhealthy to couch to 5k and eventually running  a marathon. If you missed it – I suggest you go back and listen to that episode before this one. It’s crucial to know where someone is coming from to get the full picture of what triggered this article.

If you are new to the show… I’m Monica – a runner, eater, redhead, Mexican and podcaster in southern California. I started Run eat Repeat to paper training for my 1st marathon and weight loss journey. Along the way the site grew and now it’s a huge community! follow along on the site and @RunEatRepeat on instagram.


My mommy who has never been to Europe went to Italy over the week of Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday!!?

So I had 2 options for how to celebrate T day –

A. Go bachelor style with my daddy and little brother.

B. buy Chinese take-out… which I guess is also bachelor style?

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I brought over the Baked Brie recipe that I just posted. È fantastico. Provalo.

4 Ingredient  real California Baked Brie Recipe

And please complete the RER Mailing list form here.

I’m planning what training, recipes, meal plans and a lot more you want for next year. Chime in so I can better help ya! Grazie <3 Martinus Evans from the 300 pounds and Running Podcast Last time I spoke to Martinus Evans from the 300 pounds and Running Podcast about his weight loss, running and injuries. That’s the episode before this one if you missed it –> 300 pounds and Running Podcast interview part 1

Now we’re talking about his post – An open Letter to Race Directors from the back of the Pack.

You can read the blog post here: An open Letter To Race Directors

Part of what made it controversial is that he was mad and he cusses. So he got a lot of pushback online. He also got a lot of people reaching out saying they had similar experiences. generally I wanted to know what his experiences were at races and what he wanted to happen moving forward.

We jump ideal into the conversation – so I go straight into asking him about the letter in this one.

Highlights of the viral article:

– Evans is upset after running several races where he didn’t feel included. Some races he felt straight unwelcome and ignored.

– The letter is heated… it has four letter words. and a lot of people got offended by it. but a lot of people also reached out to him to say they had similar experiences.

– He’s run races where the course is shut down and/or aide stations are removed before the proper time limit.

– There are also instances where he or other runners have been too slow for the time limit. and he has suggestions on ways you can still make sure those people get to finish safely when closing the course.

– We talk about what he’s experienced as a self described ‘slow runner’.

– We talk about ways race directors can accommodate slow runners OR choose to shut down the courses early and officially change the cut off time so slower runners know it will be closed.

Chiedo a lui…

What race or run triggered this article?

You pointed out not getting a medal – what happened there?

Why did you write this? What’s your goal?

What do you want to happen from this letter?

What has the action been?

Follow him on this site and social media here:

Blog: http://www.300poundsandrunning.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/300poundsandrunning
Twitter: http://twitter.com/300lbsandrunnin
Instagram: http://instagram.com/300poundsandrunning/

And if you have any thoughts on what runners or race organizers can do to make everyone feel welcome, have fun and be sAFE – Per favore condividilo qui!

Podcast Awards per questa settimana:

1. Pila sui Miles Runners !!!

2. Il mio nuovo threading del sopracciglio preferito e la colorazione del sopracciglio. Ti voglio bene.

3. Tu! Dimmi cosa fai mentre ascolti i podcast!

Tag @RuneAtrepeat su Instagram e dimmi cosa stai facendo mentre ascolti! Lo adoro!

Se hai una domanda per me e -mail runeatrepeat@gmail.com o lascia un messaggio vocale con la tua domanda al 562 888 1644

Domanda: cosa pensi che gli organizzatori e i corridori di razza possano fare per migliorare l’esperienza di gara per il retro del pacchetto / corridori più lenti?

Eventuali suggerimenti??

Inviami la cartella di lavoro


La condivisione è la cura!








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